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This site is published by GOLD GLOBAL CURRENCY CORP. S.A. (“Gold Global”) and is governed by the laws of Switzerland.

Gold Global is a Swiss registered limited liability company with a capital of CHF 100,000.00

N°: CHE-139.838.606n in the Company Register of Geneva.
Head Office: 29 rue Sautter, 1205 Geneva – Switzerland
President : Roger KINSBOURG
Marketing and Communication manager : Mr Thomas BOUEZ
Information and contacts:

Professional regulation

Gold Global is a financial intermediary active in the trading of precious metals, affiliated to the « Association Romande des Intermédiaires Financiers » (“ARIF”, 8 rue de Rive P.O. Box 3178, 1211 Geneva 3) member N°: 3303.

Content of the site

Gold Global makes every effort to ensure that the information on this site is accurate and upto-date but reserves the exclusive right to amend its content at any time without notice.

While Gold Global has established a number of high level security procedure in an effort to protect users of this website, it nonetheless cannot guarantee that the site has not been accessed by malicious third parties and amended or infected with a virus or other malware.

Gold Global cannot be held liable for indirect damage including but not limited to such things as, losses resulting from transactions carried out on the basis of information appearing on the site, loss of profit, loss of business and/or losses resulting from an interruption of service due to a problem with the Internet connection.

In addition Gold Global cannot be held liable for elements outside its control and for any damage that may be caused by the technical environment of the users of this site, in particular computers, software, network equipment (modems, telephones, etc.) and any equipment used to access or use the service and/or information.

Product information

Any information that appears on this site regarding changes or movement in precious metal prices or market trends, is provided merely as an indication and cannot be construed as a solicitation or offer to buy or sell.

Subscription of products and services

Warning for non-residents (residents outside Switzerland):

Access to the information and products on this site may be subject to restrictions for certain persons or in certain countries other than Switzerland. None of the services or products are intended for a person if the law of his country of origin or of any other country that concerns him prohibits it: it is up to any person wishing to subscribe to products/services to check with their advisers that their legal and fiscal status allows them to subscribe for such products/services.

Warning for "US Persons":

According to the advice of the Swiss Financial Authorities, dated 4th December 2018 concerning Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA):
The commercial purchase and sale of physical precious metals on a spot basis is not covered by the FATCA Act.
Additionally FATCA does not apply in the case precious metal dealer liquidates a customer’s precious metal assets, resulting from such transactions, when used as a means of payment.

Intellectual property

The whole site and each of its elements taken separately are subject to Swiss and international legislation on copyright, trademark and database law and, in general, on intellectual property, both as regards its form (choice, plan, arrangement of materials, means of access to data, organisation of data, etc.), and as regards each of the elements of its content (texts, images, videos, etc.). Any reproduction, representation, broadcasting or rebroadcasting, in whole or in part, of the content of this site on any medium or by any process whatsoever (in particular by caching, framing) as well as any sale, resale, retransmission or making available to third parties in any way whatsoever are prohibited without the express prior written authorization of the director of the publication. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement likely to engage the civil and criminal liability of the infringing party.

Only paper reproduction is authorized under conditions of use for strictly personal purposes, respect for the integrity of the documents reproduced, or in short quotation with clear and legible mention of the source, for example in the following form “Extract from the site All rights reserved GOLD GLOBAL CURRENCY CORP. S.A.”

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Gold Global is not responsible for the hypertext links to other sites or in regard to the contents of any of such hyperlinked third party sites.

Personal data

Data are secure and not disclosed to third parties. Discreet and secure processing of your personal and commercial data is guaranteed. Gold Global complies with the data protection regulations in all jurisdiction in which it operates.

In accordance with the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (DPA), you have the right to free information about your stored personal data (art. 8 DPA) as well as the right to correct them (art. 5 para 2 DPA). You may also ask that your data be deleted provided that they are not involved in a contractual transaction being processed. Inquiries can be sent by electronic form to the Gold Global Data Protection Officer at:


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